Why FitQuips™

“A good quote cuts right to the point, just like a skilled surgeon”
J. Brellier

It’s been said that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”. I tend to agree. Over the years I have lectured numerous times around the country and around the world. I have always found it useful to use quotes to help drive home my message of health. As a result, I have a huge collection of health, fitness and wellness related quotations that, to me, have a special message within. These quotes range from great scientists to great presidents. Spiritual leaders to comedians. Hippocrates to Grouch Marx and even Miss Piggy.

FitQuips are a collection of quotes with a brief commentary by me about what I believe is in that quote that is important for your health and your life. Sometimes body, sometimes mind, usually a little of both. I also finish with a brief FitTip which is meant to be an action step for you to incorporate in your life immediately and improve your health.

FitQuips are my way to deliver a health message and sometimes health news in what I hope will be an entertaining manner. It’s my “spoonful of sugar” that not only helps the information go down but I believe it makes it stick!.

We know there is no shortage of health information out there, yet are we any healthier as a result? I believe the delivery medium can impact the message and inspire action. I learned from Gary Trudeau the power of creative message delivery through an unlikely medium. With his Pulitzer Prize winning Doonesbury cartoon, Gary Trudeau was able to impact more people that many of the best written editorials in the most influential newspapers. He delivered the same message but in an entertaining format that stuck. I hope FitQuips are not only fun, but motivational, inspirational and help you positively change your life. I welcome any feedback.


A FitQuip a day keeps the doctor away. Take one and see.

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